How to Be Interesting to Women?



I go out to night clubs basically every week, and have tried taking with girls. But any time I start a conversation with a woman, she seems to get bored and uninterested quickly and immediately starts talking with someone else or just moves to another place.

I have spent a lot of time by reading pick-up∏s books & blogs. I even tried memorizing some really good starters and jokes, but nothing has changed this horrible situation. Women don∏t find me interesting enough, do they?

Please help me to understand how to be interesting to women. Otherwise, my family officially will declare that I am gay. :)

How to be interesting to women


Being interesting begins with attraction. Women will be interested in an attractive guy, almost no matter what he says or whether he knows how to tell interesting stories.

Attraction is all based on being confident and masculine. You can read more about this in my post – what do women find attractive.

However, in addition to attraction, you also need to understand that women have different ways of communication than men. While 2 guys will tend to have a very informative, logical conversation, women will usually add lots of emotions and descriptive words.

So you also need to learn the communcation style that women use. This will happen through time and experience. The more conversations you have with women, the more you will learn about how to talk to them.

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Last-modified: 2021-04-28 (垮) 00:30:17 (1087d)